Isometric Neck Exercises

Isometric Neck Exercises

Neck Flexing

Bend your neck slightly forward and put your hand on your forehead. Try to bend your head forward while pushing back with your hand.

Neck Extension

Keep your up and your neck straight and place your hands at the back of your head. Try to push your head backwards while pushing forward with your hands.

Side Bending

Keep your head straight and your chin level. Put your right hand on the right side of your head. Try to bring your head down to your right shoulder while pushing up with your right hand.

Repeat the Side Bending, but to the left side with your left hand.


Put your left hand at chin level and turn your head slightly to the right. Put your right hand on the right side of your face. Turn your head to the right while pushing it back with your right hand.

Repeat the Rotation Exercise, but on the left side of your face and with left hand.

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